Tag: molecules

Chemical Molecule Posters

Six Posters of Common Chemical Molecules

6 Chemical Molecule Posters

Here’s something a little different for the weekend: a small poster project I’ve been working on for the classroom. I decided it’d be quite cool to have posters showing a variety of common chemical molecules dotted around the room, and, though I’m going to need a few more to complete a full circuit around the lab, here are the ones I’ve got so far.

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Mole Day – What is a mole in chemistry?

Infographic on the mole. One mole is the amount of substance that contains exactly 6.022 x 10^23 atoms, molecules or ions. This number is also known as Avogadro's number. Using moles makes it easier to talk about amounts of substances involved in reactions by relating the mass of a substance to its atomic or molecular mass. Amount of substance (moles) = mass (grams) divided by the mass of 1 mole (grams per mole). One mole contains a different mass for different substances.
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Today, 23rd October is Mole Day – which might put you in mind of small, furry, burrowing animals. However, they don’t even seem to have a commemorative day of any kind; we’re actually talking about the mole in chemistry, a concept that makes it easier to talk about the amounts of substances involved in chemical reactions. This is a fundamental concept and one that all chemists utilise.

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Chemical Structures of Neurotransmitters

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A bit of a chemistry/biology tie in today with a series of posters looking at the chemical structures of some of the main neurotransmitters in the brain. I’ve also included a little information on the main effects and roles of each underneath the structures – however, I’d hasten to add that, since this is definitely more an area of interest than an area of expertise for me, I’ve kept it pretty general.

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