Colourful Chemistry

Transition Metal Ion Colours Aqueous Complexes

Colours of Transition Metal Ions in Aqueous Solution

Transition Metal Ion Colours Aqueous Complexes

This graphic looks at the colours of transition metal ions when they are in aqueous solution (in water), and also looks at the reason why we see coloured compounds and complexes for transition metals. This helps explain, for example, why rust (iron oxide) is an orange colour, and why the Statue of Liberty, made of copper, is no longer the shiny, metallic orange of copper, but a pale green colour given by the compound copper carbonate.

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The chemistry of the colours of fireworks

Infographic on the chemistry of fireworks. Red fireworks: strontium salts. Orange fireworks: calcium salts. Yellow fireworks: sodium salts. Green fireworks: barium salts. Blue fireworks: copper salts. Purple fireworks: combination of strontium and copper compounds. Silver: white hot magnesium and aluminium. White: burning metal. Fireworks also contain fuel to allow the firework to burn, oxidisers to provide oxygen for combustion, binders to hold the mixture together and chlorine donors to strengthen some colours.
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The colours in fireworks stem from a wide variety of metal compounds – particularly metal salts. ‘Salt’ as a word conjures up images of the normal table salt you probably use every day; whilst this is one type of salt (sodium chloride), in chemistry ‘salt’ refers to any compound that contains metal and non-metal atoms ionically bonded together. So, how do these compounds give a huge range of colours, and what else is needed to produce fireworks?

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‘Poisonous’ Poinsettia pH Indicators

I’m making pH indicator paper with some of my classes this week, using the coloured leaves of red poinsettia plants, which set me thinking about the chemistry behind why these plants can be used as indicators.


Poinsettias have a reputation for being poisonous – a claim that is in fact entirely unfounded. A quick google search will reveal that the myth of poisonous poinsettias potentially originates from a ingestion of poinsettia leaves being mistakenly attributed as the cause of poisoning of an american child in 1919. Not being poisonous obviously isn’t quite the same as being edible, and eating poinsettia leaves can potentially cause stomach pain and vomiting – but there have been no recorded deaths as a result of the plant. As its leaves also have a reportedly ‘indescribably awful’ taste, few could probably bear more than a nibble.

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