Tag: summer

Ice Cream Chemistry

The Chemistry of Ice Cream – Components, Structure, & Flavour

Infographic on the chemistry of ice cream. Ice cream is formed from fats, proteins and emulsifiers, which in combination stabilise air bubbles in ice cream. Small crystals are needed for smooth ice cream, and air makes up 30-50% of ice cream's volume. A range of flavouring compounds are used. Stabilisers, often extracted from seaweed, are added in small amounts to reduce the rate of melting.
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Ice cream is a mainstay of summer – for many, a trip to the beach would be incomplete without one. Despite its seeming simplicity, ice cream is a prime example of some fairly complex chemistry. This graphic takes a look at some of the ingredients that go into ice cream, and the important role they play in creating the finished product. There’s a lot to talk about – whilst the graphic gives an overview, read on for some in-depth ice cream science!

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How Do Tanning Lotions Work? – The Chemistry of Fake Tan

Chemistry of Fake Tan 2015We’re all well versed in the dangers of spending too much time in the sun. A golden tan after a few weeks away in the sun is everyone’s aspiration, but no-one wants to come back from a holiday red as a cooked lobster, hence the need for sunscreen (which we looked at in a previous post). However, if you’re unlucky enough not to have the time for a couple of weeks on the beach, you might be tempted to resort to tanning lotions to achieve a tanned look. These can induce the appearance of a tan, through the action of the chemicals they contain.

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The Chemistry of Hay Fever – How Do Hay Fever Medications Work?

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With the arrival of summer comes a rather less welcome arrival – that of seasonal allergic rhinitis, more commonly known as hay fever. In the UK, an estimated 10-15% of the population are affected, a figure that is also on the rise. Despite the pollens of trees, grasses and weeds being the origin of hay fever, it’s a chemical produced in our bodies that’s actually to blame for the symptoms – and we’ve got the chemicals in medications for hay fever to thank for relief from these symptoms.

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Chemistry of Sunscreen

The Science of Sunscreen & How it Protects Your Skin

Chemistry of Sunscreen
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With summer more or less here (stifle those sniggers, English readers), it seemed as good a time as any to examine the chemicals in sunscreen. It’s a product that many of us may take for granted, but you’ve got chemistry to thank for it preventing your skin turning lobster red in the summer sun. There are a number of chemical molecules used in currently available sunscreens, with the exact formulation actually depending on where in the world you live. Additionally, the chemistry of these molecules can help explain why sunscreen has to be reapplied periodically.

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