2017 Nobel Prize Chemistry
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The last of this year’s Nobel Prizes, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, was awarded today. This year’s prize went to the development of cryo-electron microscopy, a technique that allows the structures of biomolecules to be revealed where other techniques fail. It also gives scientists insights into how proteins move and interact with other molecules, as well as potentially improving our understanding of how drugs act on protein targets.

There’s more on the scientific background behind this year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry via the links below. 







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  • Antonio Martins
    Posted October 5, 2017 at 4:23 pm 0Likes

    two potential mistakes in the poster: liquid ethane should be liquid nitrogen, and freezing samples in water at -196ºC should be freezing samples in liquid nitrogen at -196ºc.

    • Compound Interest
      Posted October 5, 2017 at 6:53 pm 0Likes

      I know I’ve already responded on Facebook, but just for anyone only viewing the graphic here: it is liquid ethane which is used (cooled using liquid nitrogen), but the Nobel Prize materials did seem to state an incorrect temperature, which I carried forward onto the graphic. Now corrected!

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