Giant Hogweed Skin Burns Chemistry
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Brushing past a plant in the undergrowth whilst out walking might sound fairly innocuous. In the case of Giant Hogweed, however, it’s anything but. This plant’s sap can cause burns and blistering after contact, and there’ve been an increasing number of articles warning of the danger it poses over the past few months. Here, we take a look at the chemical compounds behind the sap’s unpleasant effects.

Giant Hogweed is a plant that was originally native to Central Asia. However, it made its way to the UK as a result of it being brought over for display in ornamental gardens, and it has subsequently reached a number of other countries in Europe, as well as the United States and Canada. Unlike some other imported plants, such as Rhododendrons, it doesn’t pose much of a threat to indigenous plants, but it can have some nasty consequences for humans if we come into contact with its sap.

Giant Hogweed sap contains, amongst other constituents, a family of compounds known as furanocoumarins (sometimes also referred to as furocoumarins). These compounds are the key to the effects of Giant Hogweed sap. They are found throughout the entire plant: the flowers, the stems, the roots, the seeds; but they are found at their highest concentrations in the leaves.

Their phototoxic effects are due to their interaction with DNA when they absorb UV light of a specific wavelength. The sun gives off UV radiation as well as visible light – which is the reason we have to slap on the sunscreen in the summer – and UV radiation with a wavelength between 320-380 nanometres can trigger the effects of furanocoumarins. This falls into the band of UV radiation referred to as UV-A radiation (320-400 nm) which accounts for 95% of the UV radiation from the sun that reaches the Earth’s surface.

Furanocoumarins can react with our DNA when exposed to UV-A radiation. DNA is made up of several components (there’s more detail on its composition here), and one set of components are the bases that help hold DNA strands together. Furanocoumarins can react with these bases to form adducts, damaging it. These adducts can then go on to react with other bases in the DNA strands on exposure to further UVA radiation, resulting in crosslinks between strands. Ultimately, this can cause cell death, and results in the characteristic skin reddening and blisters seen on exposure to Giant Hogweed sap.

Some cases of exposure to the sap have been so severe that those exposed to it have required hospitalisation. The blistering can take up to 48 hours to appear, and so measures can be taken if contact with the sap is suspected. It’s advised that any affected areas should be washed thoroughly with soap and water, and any skin that has been exposed to the sap should be protected from sunlight for several days. It’s advisable to seek medical treatment if any skin inflammation subsequently occurs.

In the UK it is illegal to plant or facilitate the spread of Giant Hogweed and councils take active measures to remove it when its presence is reported. Despite this its numbers appear to have increased over the past few years, with increasing numbers of articles citing cases of Giant Hogweed burns. The Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland has a map showing where Giant Hogweed has been reported. A similar map for the USA and Canada appears here, though it is only based on site and county level reports so is by no means exhaustive.

If you happen to find Giant Hogweed growing in your garden, it’s a good idea to seek a professional exterminator to remove it rather than try to remove it yourself. If you come across it out in the wild, in the UK at least you can contact your local council to notify them of its presence.

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References & Further Reading

5 CommentsClose Comments


  • aldebert
    Posted August 3, 2017 at 10:59 pm 0Likes

    I wouldn’t say that giant hogweed causes burns because of the ability of its constituents to react with bases in DNA. DNA adducts cause genotoxic/carcinogenic effects. The burning effect is a “simple” contact dermatitis, due to photoreaction of furocoumarins leading in allergenic and/or irritants compouds.
    Other than that, nice job, nice website 🙂

    • Compound Interest
      Posted August 3, 2017 at 11:28 pm 0Likes

      Hi, thanks for your comment! This is actually something I thought as well prior to doing research on the mechanisms behind it. It was actually quite hard to find papers discussing the specific mechanisms by which furanocoumarins exert their effects on skin. Eventually I came across this review paper ( which claims regarding these reactions that “no allergic mechanism is involved in phototoxic reactions”.

      If you’ve come across papers I haven’t seen that claim otherwise though then I’m very open to suggestions!

      • aldebert
        Posted August 4, 2017 at 1:02 pm 0Likes

        Ok, I may have a look at that this weekend. I really admire your work, and am a toxicologist, so I probably can help you with that, and would be proud of that 🙂 I’ll keep you updated!

      • aldebert
        Posted August 4, 2017 at 9:06 pm 0Likes

        hey, you are right 🙂 I never have thought about this mode of action -despite not much details exist in literature-! I’ve found some other papers, but did not find much more details. I found that: “The lesions in DNA caused by PUVA lead to inhibition of DNA synthesis, erythema production and increased skin pigmentation as well as mutation, chromosome aberrations, inactivation of viruses and inhibition of tumour transmitting capacity of certain tumour cells”, from

        I believe that exposure to phototoxins + UV at great levels would lead to bullous dermatitis, etc, by apoptotis/necrosis due to DNA synthesis inhibition, and small doses might be carcinogenic, as the cells would not be killed, but may mutate.
        However, this poster leads to interesting research, and for me to consider other mode of actions of psoralens and furocoumarins. Thank you for that!

        • Compound Interest
          Posted August 27, 2017 at 6:01 pm 0Likes

          Hey, belated thanks for looking this up! I’m off on holiday at the moment so I’ve been checking the site much more intermittently, so missed your follow-up comment until now. I’m glad that the poster generated some interesting follow-up!

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