This Year in Chemistry – The 2016 Edition
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This Week in Chemistry is taking a break over the festive period, but as I did last year, I’ve put together a selection of some of 2016’s biggest chemistry stories into one summary sheet. I’ve included 12 stories from all of the year’s This Week in Chemistry summaries, based on a combination of their significance and their popularity.

You can click on the graphic above to enlarge it and make it easier to read, but I’ve also posted each individual story in its own image below. I’ve also included the links to both articles and original studies (where relevant) for the stories featured, so if you wanted to read up on any of them in more detail you can!

This list is largely subjective of course, so do feel free to comment below if you think I’ve missed anything important, or if there are simply other stories worthy of highlighting.


[Article (£)] [Study (£)]


[Article] [Explainer graphic] [Scientific background]

[Article] [Study (£)]

[Article 1] [Article 2]


[Article] [Study]

[Article] [Study]

[Article] [Study]

[Article] [Study 1] [Study 2]

[Article 1] [Study 1] [Article 2] [Study 2 (£)] [Chemunicate graphic]

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