March for Science 2017 – What's Chemistry Ever Done For Us-
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Across the globe this weekend hundreds of thousands of people in over 500 cities will be marching for science. Though many of those marching may be scientists, it’s not just for those in the scientific community; it’s for anyone who wants to show their support for the funding and continued advancement of science, and the importance of political policies being based on scientific evidence. It’s also about appreciating the role that science plays in our lives – and as this graphic shows, chemistry alone touches your life in more ways than you might have realised!

It’s still not too late to join this weekend’s marches. You can find out if there’s a march happening near you on the March for Science website.

Want to learn more about the chemistry highlighted in the graphic? Below are a few links to previous posts on the site which go into more detail.

  1. Inhalational anaesthetics and intravenous anaesthetics.
  2. Different classes of antibiotics and how they work.
  3. Lithium batteries in phones, and current research looking at improving them.
  4. Oral contraceptives and how they work.
  5. How catalytic converters help reduce emissions from vehicles.
  6. Fertilisers: No graphics on the site on fertilisers (yet!) but there’s an article on all of the facets of the Haber process here.
  7. The chemistry behind petrol and diesel.
  8. A guide to some common household plastics.
  9. The elements in your smartphone, including a look at some of the aspects of the touch screen.
  10. The chemistry at water treatment plants that makes the water that comes out of your tap safe to drink.

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