Monthly Archives: May 2014

Chemical Reactions Pt 2

Chemical Reactions Posters – Part II

Chemical Reactions Pt 2
Click to enlarge

Here’s the second part of the Chemical Reactions posters, this time featuring condensation, hydrolysis, displacement, oxidation, and reduction reactions. Click the image above to enlarge and read the text, or, as previously, I’ve included the text separately in the post below. Print-friendly versions are again available to download at the foot of the page.

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Chemical Reactions - Pt 1

Chemical Reactions Posters – Part I

Chemical Reactions - Pt 1
Click to enlarge

Recently, some of my classes have been revising types of chemical reactions, which inevitably set me thinking about how to represent them visually in an easy to understand way. These are the first few posters I’ve come up with – each has a large icon representative of the reaction type, as well as a short description of the reaction, and an example. Hoping to add a few more over the next few days! Click the image to enlarge and make it readable, or, alternatively, I’ve copied the text from the posters into the post below. You can download printable versions at the foot of the page.

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Cigarette Smoke Compounds

The Chemicals in Cigarette Smoke & Their Effects

Cigarette Smoke Compounds
Click to enlarge

That smoking causes cancer is a well known and scientifically proven fact. Everyone knows that nicotine is present in cigarettes, and causes addiction to smoking; however, what’s a little less well known is the range of chemicals contained within cigarette smoke that can lead to carcinogenic (cancer causing) effects, and what other effects they can have on the body. The effects of some of these chemicals also explain why it’s advised that women shouldn’t smoke during pregnancy.

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