2018 Chemistry Advent

December is just about upon us, which means it’s time for another year of the Chemistry advent calendar! After several years of looking at the chemistry behind Christmas festivities, I’ve decided to do something slightly different (but hopefully equally entertaining) this year.

During the past few years, I feel like we’ve pretty much exhausted the possibilities of looking specifically at the chemistry of Christmas. If you missed it, or just want to recap as we move through December, you can still get to previous years’ calendars; the 2017 calendar can be found here.

This year I thought, as a build-up to the International Year of the Periodic Table in 2019, it would be nice to do something related to chemistry history. Kat Day from the Chronicle Flask had the excellent suggestion of producing a history of chemistry timeline, all the way from the foundations of modern chemistry through to the present day. So, that’s what we’re going to try and do!

For the next 24 days, we’ll look at a decade in chemistry per day, all the way from 1780 to 2018. We’ll highlight key figures in chemistry history and their contributions, including familiar faces and some lesser known scientists. By the end, we’ll have a timeline spanning modern chemistry history!

Follow along with this year’s advent calendar here!



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