food chemistry

If you’ve been keeping an eye on the site’s Twitter feed, you’ll have heard that I’ve been lucky enough to secure a book deal with Orion Publishing. The book will be based on the food chemistry graphics on the site, which I’ll be reworking, along with a lot more new entries. Whilst it’s a project that’s going to consume the majority of my summer holidays, it’s one I’m really excited about; for anyone who’s interested, here’s a little more information on it.

The graphics and content of the book will be in a similar vein to the content on the site – it’ll try to answer questions regarding the odd effects or characteristics of various food and drink, whilst using clear and simple graphics to showcase the chemical molecules and chemistry involved. As on the site, it’ll hopefully present the information in a manner that’ll be understandable and engaging for both those with a background in chemistry, and for those with a more general interest in the subject.

What’ll it mean for the graphics on the site? Well, I’m hoping that it won’t result in a noticeable drop off in the posting of new graphics, though we’ll see how that philosophy holds up as deadlines approach! At any rate, the plan is to keep a steady stream of new graphics on a variety of subjects going; there will be a slight drop in the number of food chemistry posts, as I’ll be busy working on those for the book, but they’ll still pop up here and there on occasion. This also won’t affect the sharing of the graphics – they’ll all still be available to download and use for educational purposes.

I only started the Compound Interest project back in December of last year, so to have this opportunity less than six months in is definitely beyond any of the expectations I had for it. At this point I should thank everyone who’s been following, sharing or commenting the posts, or helping out with suggestions, as without your support and input, this wouldn’t have been possible!

The book, tentatively titled ‘Compound Interest: The Curious Chemistry of Food & Drink’, will be published on 7th May 2015; I’ll be sure to share more details as they become available.

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  • Paul Kiler
    Posted June 6, 2014 at 7:08 pm 0Likes

    Sounds Great!

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  • Carla
    Posted October 6, 2014 at 4:22 pm 0Likes

    will it be available to buy in amazon or internationaly?

  • Katherine
    Posted March 25, 2015 at 10:45 pm 0Likes

    I’m very excited about your book, and since it looks like it will be available in America through Amazon I’ll be sure to share it with the UC Berkeley Chemistry facebook group. I love love love your site!

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